Reduce cognitive load
Fileside tackles the ongoing challenge of recalling where you saved things and repeatedly navigating to those locations.
Mise en place
Just like a chef sets up their kitchen before cooking a meal, Fileside lets you set up your folder workspace for each project. But unlike the chef, you only need to do it once. No more opening multiple windows, navigating to the right place in each one, then painstakingly resizing and arranging them side-by-side just to start moving files around.
Keep things local
Fileside champions a local-first approach. Instead of storing everything in the cloud (a.k.a. other people's computers), it helps you turn your local drives into a versatile storage environment.
Embrace the file system
In recent years, there's been a trend towards hiding the underlying file system from the user in a misguided attempt at user-friendliness. Fileside takes a transparent approach, and lets you work with the file system exactly as it is.
Designed for the desktop
Fileside is designed to run on a computer, not on a tablet or a phone. It works the same way across Mac and Windows, helping you keep your workflow consistent and your sanity intact.
No recommendations
And last but not least, Fileside will never start pushing recommended content in front of you. You're in charge.