Release notes 1.9.5
Fixes a crash on Windows when navigating up from the top level of a drive to This PC. This is a Windows-only release.
Fixes a crash on Windows when navigating up from the top level of a drive to This PC. This is a Windows-only release.
Fixes a few bugs around saving of shortcuts, and handling of non-English characters when searching. Improvements include new shortcuts for toggling commonly used settings, drag-and-drop of URLs and improved type-to-jump.
This release fixes switching between apps using Alt/Cmd-Tab while dragging files out of Fileside. A few quality of life improvements made it in too, like drag-and-drop to path breadcrumbs, and opening a folder in a new pane via middle click.
Several bug fixes, including a devious one that could make other apps on the Mac hang after copying a file in Fileside.
Fixes an unfortunate crash bug that slipped into 1.9.0.
Symlinks, junctions, shortcuts, aliases… They kinda worked. Some of them. Some of the time. Depending on what you did. But they never got the love they deserved. 1.9 crosses the t’s and dots the i’s to make sure all varieties of links are treated as first-class citizens.
Drag and drop between separate Fileside windows on Windows now works again.
Another 1.8 follow-up, with a fix for Preserve dates on copy not preserving the Created timestamp, plus some usability tweaks and improvements around listing updates and focus handling.
Fixes for occasional freezing with large folders and for emojis in filenames on Windows.
With the extra columns becoming available from 1.8.0, it led to more busywork setting up the columns just right for each pane. 1.8.2 addresses this by always copying over the existing column configuration when creating new panes. So that you only need to configure the columns for the first pane in a new layout, and then later panes will automatically get the same columns in the same order.